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Introduction to the firm. An image of the timber details on the Guthu door


At KalaNishkriti, our vision is to be the vanguard in heritage conservation, breathing new life into the architectural and cultural treasures that define our nation's rich history. We aspire to meticulously document and restore these venerable structures, ensuring their stories are preserved and shared with future generations.


A stone temple built between the 12th and 13th centuries was originally only a 2 story temple which was followed by a Teertha mantapa, an Agrasabha, and a Sakshishwara Gudi which was added sometime in the 14th and 15th centuries. 

Every Jail has multiple stories to tell. This sub-jail in Udupi is also no exception. A building constructed in 1906, was a regular criminal but during the mass freedom movements housed many second/third-level freedom fighters as part of preventive detentions’ which added to its socio-political and heritage values besides the architectural significance of the building. 

A 3 courtyard Brahmin house first constructed in the 1890s and renovated and spatially defined and redefined over the years, is still very much functioning and serving its purpose while showcasing its original construction and design.




01  /  05  /  2024

Timber in Vernacular Architecture


01  /  04  /  2024

Stone Carvings: Unraveling the History of Vitla Basadi


01  /  03  /  2024

Exploring the Magnificant Jain Basadis of South Kanara

 Udupi, Karnataka 576 102 

+91 88677 05207

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